Smallville Season 6
Well like most people I'm a big fan of Super Heroes. But when it comes to mind which is the best the name says it all --->"SUPER"MAN. I have been watching Smallville this season as I did every season, and this year Green Arrow has made an appearance. Other super heroes that have shown up have been; Flash (in kid form), Aquaman (in completely useless form, as if he knows another way). Green Arrow has always been one of my favorites, and the fact that he has shown up on one of my favorite shows is fantastic. BUT where does he get off telling Superman how to live his life. Is anyone really allowed to tell Superman what to do? HE'S GOD DAMN FUCKING SUPERMAN. Sure at least Green Arrow has a cool costume in the show and Superman has yet to dawn the tights, and sure he's going to bang Lois Lane it seems before Sup's (we're friends so I can call him that) but Aquaman already did that and talk about a fishy smell afterwards. So this basically it all comes down to this, Green Arrow sure you can bang Lois Lane, but Aquaman has crabs (still trying to drown them) so Lois probably does too. But you are allowed to tell Superman what to do. For this I'm sorry my green friend, but it has to be done. I here by place Green Arrow's Mom in a Bucket
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