Your Mom has a brand new bucket
WELL, Well, well. Its seems to me that your Mom has a new bucket. Its made of wood and sits in the corner. This website/blog will have very important information pertaining to: How to get your mom out of the bucket, how to keep your mom smelling fresh in the bucket, and other mom in the bucket things. It will also comprise a list of people who are dead to me and how they died. Even a couple of tales of how I played poker against certain people and ended up winning there mom's bucket (some with mom still inside). If possible I might be able to throw out a couple of everyday import facts, I really don't know any but if I learn some you'll be the first to know. I hope to eventually get some sort of vidcast going. On what subject you ask? Well all things "Your mom in a bucket". If you have any question about your mom and her bucket please just ask and I will do my best to come up with the answers you seek. That's it for now. I will post shortly over the next day or so to announce who's mom got into her bucket first. Until then remember not to tip your mom's bucket over, because it might be hard to get her back in.
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